The tests in the vascular area aim to provide an evaluation of venous return efficiency, the presence of adiposity, and water retention.
Vein Check is a simple, fast, and non-invasive test that assesses the efficiency of venous return. Under normal conditions, blood flows into the venous system of the lower limbs within a certain timeframe, which reduces in pathological situations.
This evaluation is important for early diagnosis of venous insufficiency, enabling effective therapy and preventing or delaying the chronicization of the disease.
The test is suitable for both males and females who need a proper evaluation to address symptoms such as pain, swelling, tingling, cramps, edema, and heaviness in the lower limbs, or who have sedentary jobs or jobs that require prolonged standing.
The cellulite specialist is a non-invasive test suitable for all individuals, which, through thermal mapping, allows for the evaluation of skin hydration/water retention, localized adiposity, circulatory alterations, and the presence of cellulite with characterization of its stage.
Using a temperature probe, a thorough analysis is conducted to prevent, detect, and treat circulatory alterations responsible for common cosmetic issues, restoring the health of the legs not only from an aesthetic perspective.
The purpose of body composition assessment is to detect, monitor over time, and potentially correct, body composition and dietary habits in order to take preventive or corrective actions, leading to an improvement in quality of life.
Body composition assessment is a simple, fast, non-invasive test that includes a preliminary investigation of dietary habits, anthropometric measurements, and the use of a bioimpedance scale for body weight measurement and body composition analysis.
Overweight and obesity, distinguished by the biometric data BMI, are defined by the World Health Organization as conditions of abnormal or excessive accumulation of body fat that pose a health risk.
Excess weight is caused by an imbalance between calorie intake and energy expenditure, with a preference for the former, leading to both short-term and long-term health consequences. Genetic, endocrine-metabolic, environmental factors, and the use of certain medications should also be considered.
Obesity and overweight are conditions associated with high mortality rates and are significant risk factors for major chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases (especially heart attacks and strokes), hypertension, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and some forms of cancer.
In males, android or apple-shaped obesity prevails (excess fat concentrated in the face, neck, shoulders, and especially in the abdomen above the navel). This predisposes to an increased incidence of conditions such as diabetes, hypertriglyceridemia, and hypertension.
In females, gynoid or pear-shaped obesity prevails (excess fat concentrated in the hips, buttocks, thighs, and abdomen below the navel). This predisposes to a higher incidence of venous insufficiency, knee osteoarthritis, and cellulite.
Medical Desk by LEO NARDI MILANO srl – Centralino: +39 02 21068118 – Sede: Via Moscova, 40/6 – 20121 – Milano – P.IVA 08436660966
Medical Desk srl – Centralino: +39 02 21068118 – Sede: Via Carloforte, 60 – 09123 – Cagliari – P.IVA 03974620928