The tests in the postural area aim to:
  • Improve lymphatic, venous, and arterial circulation.
  • Alleviate back and/or joint pain.
  • Reshape skeletal posture.
  • Prevent osteoporotic fractures.
  • Enhance sports performance and post-performance recovery.
  • Increase the tone of weight-bearing muscles, thereby improving balance.
  • Reduce stress.


The test involves measuring glycated hemoglobin, a specific form of hemoglobin that forms when exposed to excessive concentrations of glucose in the blood.

This method is used to study qualitative and quantitative skeletal changes resulting from menopause, aging, and other osteopenic conditions.

The ultrasound examination, fast and non-invasive, is performed at the level of the heel, which, being sensitive to physiological, pathological, or iatrogenic changes, reflects systemic bone metabolism. It is very useful in assessing the risk of osteoporotic fractures, especially in the hip area. An osteodensitometer, the SONOST 3000, is used to evaluate bone mineral density using ultrasound. Ultrasound gel is applied to both sides of the patient’s heel for measurement.

Throughout life, bones undergo a physiological remodeling process in which old and damaged skeletal tissue is removed by osteoclasts, while new bone tissue is formed by osteoblasts. To maintain strong bones, the body requires an adequate supply of calcium and other minerals and must produce hormones such as parathyroid hormone, growth hormone, calcitonin, estrogen, and testosterone in the right quantities. Vitamin D is also essential for proper bone mineralization.

With advancing age, the activity of osteoclasts tends to be greater than that of osteoblasts, and physiological aging is accompanied by a loss of bone mass. Bone mineral density (or BMD) is the value that determines bone health and indicates the amount of minerals present in a cubic centimeter of bone; a slight reduction in BMD results in a condition of osteopenia, while a significant reduction is the basis of osteoporosis, which develops when this loss becomes excessive and pathological due to persistent and dominant bone resorption compared to bone formation activity. This leads to deterioration of the microarchitecture of bone tissue, making it porous, similar to a sponge, with an increased risk of fracture (especially in the vertebrae, femur, wrist, humerus, and ankle) even from minor trauma.

 To prevent the development of osteopenia and osteoporosis, it is necessary to:
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Follow a balanced and healthy diet.
  • Regularly engage in physical activity.